Lightweight HMMWV Enclosure

Ramim lightweight model S-1497 HMMWV Shelter goes beyond the normal lightweight shelter construction technology. The S-1497 HMMWV Shelter offers the lightest enclosure possible that is consistent with rugged mobility, RFI integrity and performance under extreme environmental conditions.

The S-1497 HMMWV (High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle) Shelter utilizes the same construction consist of a polyurethane foam core, aluminum skins and framework of high strength welded and riveted aluminum alloy extrusions. This traditional foam-and-beam panel construction allows quick and easy installation of strong rivnut anchor points for mounting mission equipment.

At 547 lbs, the S-1497 HMMWV Shelter  reduced weight increased the maximum payload and extends the range of the HMMWV. Since the shelter was designed for dedicated use with the HMMWV, bulky tie-down slings are not required. The S-1497 is easy bolted onto the vehicle with a bolt-on attachment kit or shock absorbers attachment (HMMWV) mounting kit, Ramim drawing S-1497-650).

C-130 drive-on/back-off capability meets your transportation needs.

s-1497 general dimentions