Manufacturing Facilities and Equipment.
Ramim operates in a 250,000 sq.ft. facility with 100,000 sq.ft. under roof. This facility is owned by Ramim's parent corporation Koor Metals Group.
Ramim has a stable workforce, with an average worker tenure of 8-10 years. There are some 70 workers as follows:
- Engineering/Technical/Management: 10
- Administrative: 2
- Skilled labor: 40
- Unskilled labor: 18
Ramim has documented work and process instructions for all of the major operations required to manufacture the S-280C/G, S-250/G, S-250/E, ISO shelters & different type of shelters up to a size of 30' long shelters, including cleaning, conversion coating, bonding, spot welding, fusion welding, metalizing, painting and application of sealing material.
Manufacturing Experience
Since the founding of the company in 1971, Ramim has produced thousands of S-250 and S-280 shelters in various configurations for numerous customers, the vast majority with EMI shielding. Nearly 800 S-250 and over 400 S-280 shelters have been manufactured under U.S. Government contract.
Mechanical & electrical installations including air conditioning systems, racks with shock absorbers, entrance panels for power & signals, electrical board, outlets, lights, wiring in metallic raceways (wiremold type), false ceiling, false floor & different equipment installed inside & outside shelter per customer spec. S.O.W & per customer needs.